Recognised quality
New Zealand Sphagnum moss is recognised worldwide for its premium quality. In the orchid growing industry it is renowned for having long, strong strands, lasting long in the pot and having excellent water holding capacity; all of which encourage strong and healthy root development. Besgrow Spagmoss has naturally low concentrations of soluble salts, is relatively sterile and has a structure that allows it to hold up to 20 times its weight in water. These qualities make it ideal for growing ornamental flowers and providing moisture retention.
Spagmoss IS effective
Besgrow Spagmoss is hand-picked and naturally air dried to ensure its quality and remarkable water holding capacity (maximum WHC of 96%). This allows the moss to retain water and nutrients for easy release to the plant without accumulating unwanted soluble salts. Growing in high quality media lessens plant management costs and improves plant health. Orchid growers can be certain that Spagmoss will deliver tangible benefits.