Cattleya schroederae

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Cattleya schroederae var. tipo is renowned for its large, 5-inch pale pink flowers adorned with a mango-colored lip and an excellent fragrance. This variety is an excellent choice for beginners due to its ease of cultivation and rewarding blooming cycle. The plant is known for its lovely soft pale pinkish lavender color, often described as “overlaid with pink pearl,” and its tantalizing sweet fragrance.

Cultivating Tips:

  1. Growth Cycle:

    • Early Spring to Late June: Cattleya schroederae begins growing in early spring across most of the United States and completes its growth by late June.
    • Second Growth: With optimal growing conditions (85°F, high humidity, ample fresh air, and sunshine), a second growth will typically complete by the end of August.
    • Dormant Period: The plant rests from September until February. During this time, buds start forming at the base of the sheath in late December, growing slowly due to the short days, and flowers will open in late February or early March.
  2. Watering:

    • Active Growth (March to August): Water thoroughly during active growth, but allow the medium to dry out between waterings.
    • Dormant Period (September to February): Water sparingly, just enough to keep the pseudobulbs from shriveling. Overwatering during dormancy can damage the roots and shorten the flower life.
  3. Fertilizing:

    • Fertilize only during the active growing period from March through August.
    • Avoid fertilizing during dormancy to prevent toxic salt accumulation in the pseudobulbs, which can be lethal.
  4. Light and Temperature:

    • Provide lots of sunshine and moving air.
    • Optimal growth occurs at 85°F.
    • To prolong the flowering period, keep the plant cool (around 55°F) and dry, which can extend the bloom for five to six weeks.
  5. Additional Tips:

    • Cattleya schroederae var. tipo grows rapidly and tends to reach flowering size sooner than many other large-flowered Cattleya species.
    • Ensure the plant receives high humidity and plenty of fresh air to thrive and produce the best growths.

This is a blooming size in a 5" pot about 1 to 2 year to bloom. Grown from seed. Limited!

Cattleya schroederae var. tipo is a highly rewarding species to cultivate, providing stunning flowers and a delightful fragrance. With proper care, this orchid will bloom beautifully, making it a prized addition to any collection.

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