Cattleya jenmanii var. coerulea 'Kathy's' AM/AOS

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Cattleya jenmanii var. coerulea 'Kathy's' AM/AOS x self

Each seedling from the original flask came out a little differently, though all beautiful and with the coerulea color.

South American Cattleya species, native to Venezuela and Brazil. Typically blooms in clusters of 3 or more fragrant flowers per newly matured growth in late summer/early fall.

One of them, with large flowers and a particularly beautiful lip, received an Award of Merit of 85 points in Oct. 2017.

Can you believe that story said; that only a single coerulea plant was ever found in nature.

Don't forget the wonderful fragrance, the best of all the Cattleya species I think.

There are two options:

1) Blooming Size in a 5” clay pot, about 1 to 3 years to bloom, grown from seed, limited

2) Near to Blooming Size in a 4.5” clay pot, about 1 to 3 years to bloom, grown from seed, limited

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