Vanda Hybrids: Vanda Ascocenda Pakchong Gold Spots x Vanda Kultana Gold Spots

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Ascocenda Pakchong Gold Spots x Vanda Kultana Gold Spots is a vibrant orchid hybrid known for its striking golden-yellow flowers adorned with bold, eye-catching spots. The blooms are large, with thick substance, making them durable and long-lasting. The hybrid inherits the best traits of both parent plants, offering a spectacular display of color and pattern that can brighten any space. The flowers are typically borne on tall spikes, with each spike producing numerous blooms, creating a stunning visual impact.

Cultivation Tips

Light and Shade: This hybrid thrives in bright light conditions, similar to its Vanda parentage. For indoor growing, a south-facing window is ideal, providing the intensity of light needed to promote blooming. When moving plants outdoors, gradually acclimate them to full sun by first placing them under dappled sunlight, then increasing exposure over time. LED grow lights can also be used effectively if natural light is insufficient, especially during the winter months.

Temperature and Humidity: Prefers warm temperatures ranging from 70°F to 90°F (20°C to 32°C) during the day, with slightly cooler nights at 60°F to 65°F (16°C to 18°C). Maintaining humidity levels between 50% and 70% is crucial for optimal growth. In a typical home environment, where humidity might be lower, using a humidifier or humidity tray can help maintain the necessary moisture levels. If grown bare root, frequent misting or daily watering is required to keep the roots hydrated.

Watering: This hybrid benefits from consistent watering, especially when in bloom. If grown bare root, water daily, ensuring the roots turn green as they absorb moisture. For potted plants, water every 5-7 days, allowing the medium to dry slightly between waterings but ensuring it stays moist during the blooming period. Always water in the morning to prevent bacterial growth, and use water low in alkalinity, such as rainwater or distilled water.

Feeding: Regular feeding with a low phosphorus fertilizer is recommended to support healthy growth and frequent blooming. Fertilize weekly during the growing season, particularly if the plant is potted in bark mix. If using sphagnum moss, reduce feeding frequency to every third watering. It’s important to flush the potting medium with non-softened water monthly to prevent salt and mineral buildup.

Potting: Can be grown in pots or baskets, depending on the growing environment. In household conditions, potting is often preferred as it retains more moisture around the roots. Use New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or a medium-grade orchid bark mix for best results. Repot the plant every 1-2 years, or when the potting medium starts to break down. Choose a pot that is 1/2" to 1" larger than the current one, and ensure the plant is stable and well-supported in its new pot.

Ascocenda Pakchong Gold Spots x Vanda Kultana Gold Spots is a dazzling hybrid that combines the vibrant yellow coloration of its parentage with bold spots, making it a standout in any orchid collection. To keep this hybrid thriving, provide bright light, warm temperatures, and high humidity. Regular watering and feeding will encourage healthy growth and frequent blooming, allowing you to enjoy its stunning flowers multiple times a year. With proper care, this hybrid will reward you with its beautiful and long-lasting blooms.

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